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Mercedes Benz C240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

mercedes benz c240

by Ronda Fasone, TACH Fashion Writer

The C240 is really a darling little car - I say little, not because it's small, but more as a term of endearment. And of course it's classy - hey, it's a Mercedes after all...hellooo!

To me, this would be a great car for a younger "bizban" owner. What's "bizban"? You know, a business-urban person. If you never heard the expression before, that's okay, I just made it up. Anyway, that's why I say it's a good car for Will or Grace: young twenties, good looking, fun people who want to make a bit of a statement.

The car handles excellent. It feels elegant and the interior is typical MB reserved high class. It's got lots of power and is fun to drive. The engine is a 2.4 liter V6 which delivers168 horses at 5500 rpm (is that good?). On the downside however, the shifting was a bit sticky (well that's what happens when your suntan lotion spills over the gear shift console...just kidding).

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